Jen Miles is a feminist writer, poet, and aspiring author. Having a clinical background in the mental health services and therapies Jennifer sees the immense benefit in using art mediums such as free form poetry and spoken-word for therapeutic purposes. She holds the steadfast belief that art is a form of medicine, political activism, and entry point into healing the psyche and soma. Jennifer has studied at the University of Victoria, Vancouver School of Healing Arts, the C.G. Jung Insititut in Küsnacht Switzerland for a psychoanalysis winter intensive training, and is currently studying at Regent’s University London completing her UKCP designation as a registered psychotherapist. All in which has provided her a rich perspective when it comes to her written work.

Jennifer believes we heal through words as writing is a psychosomatic practice. Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk’s New York Times Best Selling Author explains in his book “The Body Keeps the Score” (which has been on the New York Times list for over 300 weeks in a row) that trauma is processed on a visceral, somatic, and limbic level. Writing is a psychosomatic practice in that it increases mind-body connection and can be supportive in cognitive and somatic processing of trauma. In essence, writing can be incredible therapeutic and supportive to one psychological healing.

Jennifer currently runs breathwork and poetry workshops for female demographics exploring topics such as self-liberation, healing through poetry, and how to foster a felt sense of safety in the body. Specifically using breath to help connect to visceral sensation helping increase our mind-body connection and allowing for words to articulate the minds chatter and thoughts.

Jennifer believes in how poetry can be one a way to understand our unconscious mind through written reflection. Making the unconscious become conscious. Jennifer is fascinated by poetry adjacent too psychoanalysis and will be exploring this further in her clinical career as a developing psychotherapist.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” - Carl G Jung Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst

International artist and writing residencies placements: